Here are a few pictures of one of the visitors to the garden today. I have never been terribly fond of snakes, but then again I have never really had any contact with them outside of a zoo environment, so I just kind of watched this little guy slither about in the front garden. I did manage to dash back into the house to retrieve the camera and he politely waited for me, still as can be. After snapping a few photos of him he slithered into the rock border that separates this garden from the front lawn. It was then that I discovered the item in the last photo - the skin that he had just shed into the grass. How cool is that?? Now I am trying to figure out if I can do anything with the skin, although, to be honest, I was too creeped out to actually pick it up - I moved it with a stick. I suppose that answers the question as to what I can do with the skin - nothing!
The other visitor, earlier in the day, that I did not get any pictures of was a Turkey Vulture that was perched on some rocks higher up in the front yard, outside the fenced area. We see them drifting on the air currents all around the area but this is the first time I have seen one up close, with binoculars, and sitting in the yard. Good thing the cat was in the house, but maybe it is the bald eagles that are more of a threat to her six pound heft. Either way, when I take her out for some fresh air I make sure that I am right there alongside of her, lest any bird of prey swoop down and take her away for a meal.
Don't forget to click to the left to help the animals, and as always...
Thanks for tuning in!
Have you identified the species of snake?
We have been told that only garter type non-poison snakes are on the Island. If you find out differently, please don't tell Diane (deathly afraid). I had a pet boa for a few years so I'm not so freaked out. Just throw away the skin :)
I did some searching and it appears that this is a species of garter snake. I am fine with it, as long as it doesn't crawl up my pant leg, or something like that. The good news is I found something that says they eat slugs! WOO HOO!!! There are a lot of those juicy morsels just waiting for them in our yard.
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