Both of us have been sick and I think we are just about done with that. I doubt it was the H1N1 virus, seems more like some kind of cold bug that is going around, so no worries on our part.
We've been working in the yard a LOT, tending to crops in the greenhouse and just general day to day things that one does to make life easy and fulfilling. I've discovered how wonderful BC grown seedless cucumbers are! They are grown mostly on the mainland, in the Fraser River Valley, by outfits that literally have acres under glass, allowing them to grow year 'round! Also grown this way are tomatoes and peppers but I have yet to try those. I am using the growers as my inspiration for producing a crop in our own greenhouse. I am looking forward to the upcoming strawberry season here on southern Vancouver Island. There are loads of farms on the Saanitch peninsula where you can either pick your own or just visit the farm stands. Working for a farming magazine is giving me access to loads of information and resources with regard to area growers and even growing our own veggies.
Our Spring is about 3-4 weeks behind schedule but this past weekend sure was weather that we really couldn't improve upon - sunny and temps around 20C/68F. Simply gorgeous! Today, Sunday, was the first day that I saw the whale watching boats off shore from the house. There were whales there but there was so much haze on the water today that all I could see through the telescope were big splashes when they would breach. Oh well.
Below are some pics from recent outings. Enjoy.